Author: stlplace

Reading Time: < 1 minute The working days between Xmas and New Year are usually slow. By “slow” I mean not many people will show up and there are not many business activites. I was surprised to see quite a few people showed up this week. Like poor me they ran out of their vacation days. One of my neighbour

December 29, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute I read this article from wenxuecity a while ago. Being a programmer for more than 5 years in the US, I shared the author’s view to great extent. I have made the mistakes he/she mentioned below (see bold text). I think the principle could be applied to other careers as well. The article link is

December 28, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute The following is I saw from haiguinet, thanks to jlink for writing this post. Not surprisingly management and business skills are most valuable. ================================================== 再接再励: 在华外派,海龟 人员2005收入分析: 谢谢大家的鼓励。 看来大家兴趣不小。 16页的原点是零。每隔100,000USD。所以,TOP EXECUTIVE,港台EXPAT因为长期在 大陆经营,又没有文化,语言隔阂,所以以340,000USD拔下头筹。 跟在后面的310,000USD是除了忠诚度,和耍嘴皮外一无用处的老外。人家要自己人, 也是可以理解的。 (这两种人最容易被有经验的RETUNEE干掉。) 海龟混到第一把交椅的人在此落到最后面, 26,7万美元左右。同道相比,低是低 了一点,但比起留在国外赚那点毛钱还是人间天上了。(不知这数字真实性如何。姑 妄听之吧。) 注意,130个样本中TOP EXECUTIVE没有LOCAL HIRE。说明,整体上来说,LOCAL还是 没有成长起来,突破玻璃天花板。大体上还只能做到DIRECTOR一级(100,000USD) MANAGER位置上,海龟大有可为。几乎是处于LOCAL与WESTERNER之间。趋势是十分明 显的,JLINK称之 “外驱鞑虏,内压中土”。EXPAT (12万),与国内“返聘”的老 外(9万),迟早要被CHINESE所代替;而本土经理人与海龟,虽然都是CHINESE,也就 是万把块钱的DELTA,海龟毕竟有些质量和诚信保证。所以我们看到的是越来越多的 海龟,有经验的海龟!飞速进入中层。也许,明天的TOP EXECUTIVE就出在这批人中。 (海归论坛 至于回国想做技术的(SPECIALIST),可以看出这是没有前途的DEADEND JOB。2-3万

December 26, 2005

Reading Time: 2 minutes I got chance to watch some NBA games lately. I am not a big NBA fan because I don’t have cable at home and I felt it takes too much time (usually 2.5 hrs) to watch a game. I told my friends who are big NBA (Yao Ming) fans that I only need to watch

December 26, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute I got up this morning at 9 AM and was surprised to found out we had snow last night. Other than that, not too much excitement here in St. Louis. There are a few places open, notably Star Bucks and WalGreen (drug store). I can not go to my favorite Borders or St. Louis (Panera)

December 25, 2005

Reading Time: 3 minutes (Updated May 2011) “古人云,人不自信谁人信之.” Others won’t believe in you unless you believe yourself. –Chinese proverb Hello, world 🙂 I am not another expert. I am an ordinary guy who believes: by lifetime learning, hard and independent work and discipline, little guys can achieve their dreams, too. I grew up in China. Currently I am working

December 24, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute Best Chinese TV-series (soup opera): Dong Shi Mu Bei Dong Gan Qing 动什么别动感情 (Anything but your feeling) Most Spectacular View: Grand Canyon (Arizona, US) Most Scenic View: Jiu Zhai Gou 九寨沟 (Si Chuan, China) Best Chinese Restaurant (tie): Asiana 东兴园(St. Louis); New Age Veggie 新素代 at Shanghai Super Brand Mall 正大广场 Best Bread: St. Louis

December 24, 2005

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s almost Christmas. Things started to calm down, especially in Post Office, the malls should be packed by last minute shoppers now. I received some emails and calls from old friends already. I have 4 days holiday for X’mas. Today (12/23) is the first day. When I was running some errands, I thought about the

December 23, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute Little kids can be fun. If you don’t have to deal with the diapers and crying stuff. Recently I spent some time with my 7 months old niece. And she was very sweet. Today I went to Fazoli for lunch. When I was leaving the retraunant, I saw a little girl probablly 2 years old.

December 22, 2005

Reading Time: < 1 minute Got my car back this morning. This time they called me at 8:20 AM and told me it’s ready. The noise problem was caused by an idle pulley used for A/C. Ironically when I was in Rolla I did research on the V-ribbed accessory belt drive. That pulley is a part of the accessory drive.

December 22, 2005
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