Author: stlplace

Reading Time: 2 minutes Trader Joe’s is a small grocery store which provides “high quality foods and beverages at honest low prices”. The quoted word is taken from its paper shopping bag (unlike Aldi, its bag is free). Recently Trader Joe’s is growing very fast and I remember reading a magazine article talking about business model and growth. Seeing

March 30, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Saw the following words from a Doctor’s office today. I believe many people would agree it. But how many of us are actually following it? I think I should also put it on the wall so I won’t forget it. ======================================= Nothing in the world can take the place of PERSISTENCE. TALENT will not; nothing

March 29, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I attended C++ training course at my work place last week. This is good for me because I did not feel well last week ( I got cold and headache): I can stay away from real coding during all these madness. Seriously, I did not find the C++ course to be any easier than the

March 26, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I watched quite a bit NCAA men’s basketball this weekend. Although I am not a big basket ball fan, I like to watch college basktet ball (more than NBA) because the college game is more fun. First, the game is shorter (40 minutes total). Second, I can see more team work in play because there

March 20, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Ruth’s Chris Steak House is opening a store in St. Louis (Clayton) on March 20. I happened to see the store sign today when I drove by. While I am not a big fan of steak, I got to know the restaurant because I bought/sold its stock last year. It’s a premium steak house, and

March 18, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute From mitbbs ================================================ 出租司机给我上的MBA课 我要从徐家汇赶去机场,于是匆匆结束了一个会议,在美罗大厦前搜索出租车。一辆 大众发现了我,非常专业的、径直的停在我的面前。这一停,于是有了后面的这个让 我深感震撼的故事,象上了一堂生动的MBA案例课。为了忠实于这名出租车司机的原 意,我凭记忆尽量重复他原来的话。 “去哪里……好的,机场。我在徐家汇就喜欢做美罗大厦的生意。这里我只做两个地 方。 美罗大厦,均瑶大厦。你知道吗?接到你之前,我在美罗大厦门口兜了两圈,终于 被 我看到你了!从写字楼里出来的,肯定去的不近~~~” “哦?你很有方法嘛!”我附和了一下。 “做出租车司机,也要用科学的方法。”他说。我一愣,顿时很有些兴趣“什么科学的 方法?” “要懂得统计。我做过精确的计算。我说给你听啊。我每天开17个小时的车,每小时成 本34.5元……” “怎么算出来的?”我追问。

March 17, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Missouri, the show me state where I live, had a pretty wild weather last weekend. We had Tornato (twister) both on Saturday and Sunday. I stayed whole day at home on Sunday, and I never saw so many Tornato warnings on the TV. On Sunday night the weather guy basically told the viewer to stay

March 14, 2006

Reading Time: 1 minute In the stock market there is a thing called “earning”, basically it’s how much money a company made for each share of the stock. The higher the earning, the better for share holders (company owners). But the stock price does not necessarily hold a linear relationship with the earning. Why? Because there is another thing

March 11, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute It took me a year to figure out the difference between these two. Unfortunately one year ago when I bought my condo, I used the latter one, which means when Fed raises the rate, my rate goes up too. Today I found the following definition at GMAC mortgage (click on Home Equity). Home Equity Loan

March 9, 2006

Reading Time: 4 minutes I saw this article in ShanghaiExpat, and I think it’s very informative. ================================================ Understanding Shanghai’s Rental Market Shanghai’s downtown housing supply grows each year with more and more buildings popping up around town. For the newcomer it must seem overwhelming and many can’t work out why the differing asking prices for what seem to be

March 5, 2006
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