Author: stlplace

Reading Time: < 1 minute made history today. I am talking about the YouTube CNN Democrats Presidential Canidates debates. While people are talking about who won the debates, I think both Google (GOOG) which owns YouTube, and CNN (owned by Time Warner, TWX) won this thing. Finally YouTube starts to get serious? And CNN is fun to watch (especially for

July 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute MR closed above HMIN the first time since its IPO last Sept. MR closed at 30.89, while HMIN closed at 30.81. This comparison is mostly for fun. But seriously I do think HMIN is increasing under competitive pressure in China. Here is another hotel chain, Hanting Hotels, founded by Ji Qi, the co-founder of Ctrip

July 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I saw in the news that Opsware (OPSW) is bought out by HP. Interestingly, OPSW is one of the first stocks I bought in my Scottrade account. The reason I bought it is simple: it’s being mentioned in the Kiplinger Personal Finance magazine, and its founder and CEO Marc Andreessen is the developer and

July 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute 1) Walmart and Sam’s club: my friend thinks wal-mart has the lowest price for most things. He is looking for a mattress, and he asked why “Wal-mart does not carry the mattress”? I think the implied meaning is: he can be sure getting a deal if it’s sold in Walmart. I know many people have

July 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Among Chinese CEOs, I think Wang Shi is real good. I read his book “Road and Dream” lately. Very impressive. Consider what he and his team has done in last 20 years: from nowhere to No. 1 residential real estate developer in China; more importantly, they create a “Vanke” community, the kind of community Chinese

July 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes From CNNMoney, the full article is here: I was nine years old, and I walked in to see my father reading the financial pages of the newspaper. And they didn’t look like the sports pages or the comics or whatever. So I asked him what they were. And he said they were financial pages. And

July 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute 1) StrengthTrader listed the greatest investors of all time (in Chinese). Among them I am familar with Buffett, Fisher and Lynch. I think Bill Miller is the Peter Lynch in current Mutual Fund world. 2) Alibaba is hiring, they are adding 2,000 people by the end of 2007. Meanwhile, Ali’s little bro Ninetowns is shrinking,

July 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday Dow Industrial closed above 14,000 the first time in history. Many people, bulls, bears, analysts, CEOs, ordinary workers,…all get excited about this. Many US workers have 401k plan, and I bet some of that is invested stocks (indirectly through Mutual Fund). But Dow Industrial is NOT a good indicator of the overall stock market.

July 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Heelys sold 5.1 million pairs of its walk/skate shoes in the US during 2006. Note in the US there are about 36 million kids between age of 6 to 14, Heelys’ core customer. In other words, every one out of 7 kids in the US got a pair of Heelys, which sells from $49.99. The

July 19, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes From the F1 Prospectus: “…Mr. Zhou has over 14 years of experience in China’s real estate industry. Mr. Zhou has been the chairman and president of Shanghai Real Estate Consultant & Sales (Group) Co., Ltd. since 2003. From 1997 to 2003, he served as a director and the general manager of Shanghai Real Estate Exchange

July 19, 2007
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