Author: stlplace

Reading Time: < 1 minute Outside Guangfa Huafu Securities, it’s the seminar notice about “general economy and stock picks”. Why the Security firms offering those seminars? Well, it can get the GuMing excited and trade more, in turn brings in more profits to the Security firm.

August 19, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute The following picture is from Sina. For the full size picture, here is the link. Of course, Sina usually has a nice collection of hot topics. Here is the link to its special topic regarding “subprime”. Job well done, Sina!

August 17, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is a link to Caijing mag, about the US subprime loans, or Mei Guo Ci Ji Zai. All articles are in Chinese. I found this article particularly interesting. And the following excerpt very entertaining (I can imagine Cramer’s body language when he shouted). 而更有人直言,本届联储主席伯南克很可能低估了信贷危机的严重程度。惯于以近乎撕心裂肺的腔调在CNBC电视台评论股市的著名财经主持人吉姆·克雷默(Jim Cramer),在8月10日本周股市收盘后,就大喊伯南克对信贷市场“毫无了解”。

August 17, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute The other day I saw Charles Zhang Chaoyang on the “Boss town”, No. 1 Caijing’s (China-CBN) talk show between CEO and guest commentators. This reminded me that Chinese Internet companies are coming of age. Two interesting stories Charles told on the show: 1) Two MIT professors are the earliest investors for Sohu, they put in

August 17, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I know it’s not easy, especially last night (morning in the US), when we saw the market took another dive (Dow was down 300 in the begining of regular trading). But we have all been there, remember the Feb 27 “Chinese crash” and subsequent US market crash? More recently I remember the May 30 “Chinese

August 16, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute These days it’s not easy for investors who hold US stocks, because the market has been in declining mode after the sub-prime woes. Do you still remember the DOW 14,000? That was July 19, as I wrote a post “IS Dow 14000 relevant“. Well, relevant or not, the Dow has retreated and it’s now under

August 15, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes The first, Chinese banks. They are making money from two sides: the developer, and the home buyer. The developers borrow from the banks; they will pay interest and principle (hopefully) later on. The home buyers borrow from the bank, and pay mortgage (interest and principle). The second, developers. It’s not hard to understand, as the

August 15, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Here is the Q2 results (Xinhua-PRNewswire). Besides revenue and earning, I’m more interested in the following numbers: — During the second quarter of 2007, Home Inns opened 26 new hotels. As of June 30, 2007, the Home Inns hotel chain consisted of 171 hotels in operation with an additional 63 hotels under development, covering 66

August 14, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I found my blog was listed as “200 most influential personal finance bloggers“, No. 182, at Hustler $$$ Blog. Thanks, Hustler. I have added a link for your Hustler $$$ blog (under “finance”).

August 14, 2007
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