Author: stlplace

Reading Time: < 1 minute The loyal visitors of my blog may notice the face lift of this blog. I am using simplicity-10-widgets theme from solosteam webstudio, courtesy of Michael D. Pollock. It is fairly easy to set up but it did take me some time to upgrade my wordpress from 2.0 to 2.2, and get side bars working. I

December 9, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Week in review Dec 2 to Dec 8 1) All remaining CompUSA stores to be closed (bloomberg). I think it’s understandable from business point of view, because selling computer is a tough business these days. It is a commodity business, and unlike other commodity such as gas or coffee, a customer only buy a new

December 9, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Vanke is the No. 1 home builder in China. Toll Brothers is a US luxury home builder. Comparing the profitability of those two are not really comparing apple to apple. But, the buyers of Vanke homes in China are mostly middle class, or in other words, their relative affulence level in China is about same

December 8, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute But it appears he hates Chinese. Here is something this popular TV host said on CNBC Mad Money (Dec. 5): Tiring of “the idea that money is any different depending on where it came from,” Cramer acknowledged, “I hate the Chinese … [but] if they buy a stake in our company, what’re you going to

December 7, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Read this post from WesternFord, and found those beautiful pictures taken in Wuhan Univ. and Huangzhou Univ of Science and Technology. It reminded me the college days at HUST. Hope to visit it again in the near future, last time I visited was year 2002. While Huazhong is mostly an engineering school, it also has

December 7, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update Dec08) They released 2008 forecast, here is excerpt. 中金2008年股票策略报告认为,中国A股市场高估值状况将在2008年持续,大盘蓝筹股明年上升空间为30%-40%,并看好金融、地产、零售、钢铁和电力等五大板块的投资机会。 (Original) We are at the end of 2007, and it’s interesting to reflect how the market did, how our portfolio did, and how the analysts did (to forecast the market). In the begining of this year, I have the oppertunity to read this CICC 2007

December 6, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Home Inns (HMIN) is raising fund through convertible bond (up to) $149 m (reuters news). It seems they still need the cash to expand. Longtop got more analyst converge: Deutsche bank and Jefferies initiated with Buy with target price of $30 and $29, respectively. Quoted here: Deutsche Bank initiates coverage on Longtop Financial Technologies (NYSE:

December 4, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Buffett talks about “durable competitive edge” a lot. Here is a video (scroll down the article) he used Berkshire mill, the first major company he bought in 19060s, as an example to explain this concept. Also I watched the “Buffett goes global” show on CNBC in the weekend, I am sure CNBC will run it

December 3, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute According to (Shui Pi), 上证指数自10月16日创出历史新高6124点之后已经连续下跌30天,下跌1346点,跌幅达到20%,市值的损失高达5万亿左右,相当于这一轮牛市启动之前中国股市的整个市值,不夸张地说,是蒸发了一个传统股市。按照跌幅超过25%可以视作牛熊转换的理论来看,这样的调整即便不能算崩盘,至少也是大起大落的一种表现,更何况根据媒体的统计,从2006年11月至今,投资者亏损面已经达到70%以上,挣钱的不足25%。 …… 一个和谐社会是离不开一个和谐的股市的,要把胡锦涛总书记“创造条件让更多的群众拥有财产性收入”的讲话精神落到实处同样需要一个充满着阳光和希望的股市。投资者要有风险意识,管理层又何尝不是如此呢? Seriously, harmonious or not, I do not think there is a stock market in which more than 50% of the participants making money. To be more realistic, I think 30% make money, 70% lose money is common in stock markets, especially in short term (say one year

December 1, 2007
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