Move from iPhone 15 to my new iPhone 16
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Put two iPhones next to each other; use old phone (15) to scan the image on new phone (16); setup from iCloud backup; added CC security code (Apple Wallet). For me, it took about half an hour to one hour for all the apps to download. I have quite a few apps – maybe I will delete some down the road.
Move eSim
This is done via Mint Mobile App: Apple’s default way of transfer doesn’t work. This *may* be applicable to the move from regular SIM card (microSim, iPhone 12) to the eSim (iPhone 15) too.
Log into a few apps on new iPhone
Stock trading apps: Robinhood App; Think or Swim; Vanguard. Real question – do they help me or slow me down by let me trade more easily?
WeChat: good old login method, slide to confirm I am not a robot, put in password and so on. The conversation history is mostly carried over, with a few missing ones for the most recent ones.
Apps for work and school
This is getting popular nowadays because 2FA (MFA) is more secured compared to just the username/password combo. I had horror stories when I was working for Mastercard: investigation the fraud (how the reward points were stolen by fraudsters for air tickets or hotel stays). Turns out (at least it appeared to me) the user (the legit owner of the account)’s yahoo mail was stolen, and he/she used the same username (yahoo email)/password for the rewards website too.
Google Authenticator
Just log into the google (Gmail) account – the code will be shown automatically. This is my personal authenticator app, btw.
Microsoft Authenticator
This is for school/work.
Also: some tips when getting a new Phone, we can self-serve if we do it the right way. Go to, go to “Security Info” tab, make sure you add your phone that can receive the text message, and verify it by typing the code you received. Now you can remove the authenticator from this tab (because you have the backup method of text message to verify).
On the new phone, now you should be able to add the authenticator back by scanning the QR code generated there. Depending on the organization’s setting
RSA SecurID:
This is for work only. Send the binding ID to the security team and they will send back the QR code along with some instructions.
I also setup Zoom for my work. These are the only work related apps I have my phone. I decided to do away with Microsoft Intune (MDM), Outlook and Teams. In the past I heard horror stories (at my previous work place) that the company IT people accidentally wiped retiring coworker’s personal smartphone when he retires.
Reset iPhone 15
To be done. I plan to reset it later today, probably. One interesting thing is I noticed the alarms on the old phone goes off as usual. The alarms did transfer to the new phone as well so that’s good.
After that I will trade it with my old daughter’s iPhone 12 eventually. The iPhone 12 will go to either her mom or her younger sister (for her younger sister, it will be mostly for emergencies use, hopefully no doom scrolling and not much game playing or YouTube watching there – for that she has new her iPad).
Btw, I just realized that she broke the iPhone 12 a bit too (on the edge, not a big deal, but still broken). She said she mentioned to me once earlier, but my memory was fuzzy on that one 🙁
Quick comparison between iPhone 15 and 16
I will do a YT video sometime hopefully in the near future. This is Apple’s official comparison page. Quick notes from me:
Old iPod Nano
It seems the battery finally broke, after about 12 years. Instead of buying another one from eBay, I am going to replace its battery: this seems like a low risk and low-cost attempt. If it doesn’t work, I will buy a portal radio.
This is the post I wrote when I setup my iPhone 15.