The insurances one must buy in the USA 我们在美国必须买的保险

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Must buy 必须买的保险

Healthcare insurance, better include dental and vision too. Without healthcare insurance, it’s much harder to get needed medical care, should you or your family need it. This actually happened to one of my friends. And I believe the friend probably died from the disease because of that: lack of insurance, and delay of the needed medical care.

Life insurance: please note for most people, term life is good enough. It’s better to buy this outside work because this way we got protected when we switch jobs. Note sometimes the benefits at new workplace doesn’t kick in immediately (it happened to me actually).

Note for life insurance, most US employers offer some life insurance under a group plan – it usually doesn’t require a physical etc. The only thing needed for employee is to “opt-in” during the open enrollment period (usually in November). Once I had a former colleague (he is younger than me) who unexpected died, and upon further examination, company benefits people cannot find the record that he “opt-in”. It was a sad story for his wife and his parents (in addition to losing him).

Car insurance: besides the required liability insurance, it’s best to buy the comprehensive (including collision) too. If the premium is high, you may raise the deductible (meaning you will pay up to that amount, out of your own pocket), if your car experiences damage. The reason to buy comprehensive including collision is: this way, if you involved in another party in an accident, your insurance company will pay you right away, and they also have more incentive to fight with the other party’s insurance company regarding the liability etc. You probably like the fault fall to the other party, because if the fault is yours, your insurance company will likely raise your premium during the upcoming renewal.

Home insurance: if you have the mortgage, the bank or the mortgage company will likely ask you to show the home (or home owner) insurance.

Types of insurances or extended warranties you may not need

Extended warranty for car or other products. I know Apple offers iPhone insurance, this one is probably okay. But many used car extended warranty plans are just junk. And yours truly managed to fall into it once.

Home or major appliance (e.g., HVAC) protection plans.

Annuity sold as life insurance. There are a lot contents on this topic. I am not going to elaborate. Fortunately I didn’t fall into this one so far. (Update 19-Dec-2024) WSJ: They Look Like CDs, but They’re Annuities—and Sales Are Booming:

Below is Chinese translation done by Google Translate.




没有医疗保险,或者没有好的医疗保险,很多医生平常就看不到,更别说住院。紧急时可以去医院急诊,但这个不是解决问题,或缓解病情的好办法。好的医疗保险现在一家人在村里大概要 $1,500 左右。我知道如果你上班的话,一般自己不会掏这么多:一般是公司出一千,个人出五百。一分价钱一分货。过于便宜的保险,一般来说保得差一些。如果是自己给自己打工,market place (Obama Care), 比如这个 可以看一下。

我记得我读研究生的时候,那是二十多年之前的事了,有些男研究生因为嫌贵(我印象中大概是一个月是一百美元)没有给太太买医疗保险。那就意味着如果太太怀孕,她们要到圣路易斯的 St. John Mercy 来生小孩。St. John Mercy 因为是天主教的医院,不提倡流产,好像是一口价生小孩(顺产)是当时两千多美元。

其实刚来美国的时候,我自己也是有点讳疾忌医:因为美国的医疗系统和中国国内完全不同。还有语言的障碍:医学方面的单词确实是不太懂。当时还带了一点常用的药,比如说头孢。这个可能也是不少国人的习惯,有点小病自己吃点药。美国人的观点不一样:美国的药主要有两种,处方药是医生开的药(自己拿处方去药房买),over the counter (OTC) drugs 非处方药自己可以直接在药房买。

后来上班以后,才慢慢好一点。我先找了会汉语的医生作为我的primary care physican (PCP)。后来我的PCP退休了,我换了我的PCP:先是一个美国人医生,他一年后也退休了。我又换了一个年轻的华人医生。年轻医生最近又有工作变动,我就又找了一个大概是中年人的华人医生。


人寿保险:请注意,对于大多数人来说,定期寿险(term life insurance)就足够了。最好在工作之外购买,因为这样我们在换工作时会得到保护。请注意,有时新工作场所的福利不会立即生效(实际上我遇到过这种情况)。

关于人寿保险,请注意,大多数美国雇主都会提供一些团体计划下的人寿保险——通常不需要体检等。员工唯一需要做的就是在开放注册期间(通常在 11 月)“选择加入”。曾经有一位前同事(他比我年轻,印象中他好像还没小孩)意外去世。经过进一步检查,公司福利人员找不到他“选择加入”的记录。所以保险公司就不会赔钱。这对他的妻子和父母来说是一个悲伤的故事(除了失去他)。




汽车或其他产品的延长保修。我知道 Apple 提供 iPhone 保险,这个可能还可以。但许多二手车延长保修计划只是垃圾。而我曾经真的陷入其中。

家庭或主要家电(例如 HVAC)保护计划。


PS: 得罪保险销售的视频: 为什么买保险不是投资?我买保险的原则是什么? by MoneyXYZ

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