‘Due Run

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今天一大早,我家大娃第一次出城比赛,不是钢琴🎹或其它乐器,不是数学,sci-only, 是 XC( cross country #越野跑)😂.

兵分两路,老爸(yours truly) 将跑第八个’Due Run. 大概算了下,God’s Willing, 等小娃高中毕业🎓,还有八个’Due Run.


PS: 拉肚学区啥都卷,小朋友们卷小朋友的东西,家长们卷’Due Run. 我记得有一回黄大神带了胜跑群的一路神仙们席卷了不少奖牌🏅😂

Btw, I signed up this year’s Olivette Turkey Trot. I probably ran my 1st Olivette Turkey Trot 5K in year 2018. I signed up in year 2017 but I chickened out at the last minute. I was on and off for a few years, I recall one year, probably year 2021, I signed up but we decided to go to Kansas City for a quick trip/family vacation at the last minute. This year I hope to make it and complete the race.

Last but not least, refer to Running, jogging and walking my blog post in which I talked all my running races so far.

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