The 3rd week was tough

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Our 10 year old got sick on the 1st day of Labor Day weekend – 8/31 Wednesday. She has violin private lesson and we had to do it over the Zoom. Initially we didn’t think too much of it, but on Monday 9/2, as we didn’t see her getting any better we decided to go to urgent care. And now I look back I think I may have chosen the wrong urgent care. The Total Access Urgent Care Creve Coeur has a long wait time, 1st estimate is 6:17 pm when I looked at it at about 11:30 am. Went to the St. Luke’s UC down the road and was told at least one hour wait. So I decided try the new Mercy Go Health at the Dierbergs plaza. The doctor said it’s some sort of viral respiratory infection but didn’t prescribe any medication, we did ruled out Covid and Streps via the tests. The doctor did listen to her lung as well.

Coming home and she wasn’t doing better. On Thursday 9/5 my wife decided taking her to see her normal pediatrician. It turns out to be pneumonia (google: long does child pneumonia last) and antibiotics were prescribed. My wife thought she may get well very quickly. I was not that confident though.

Thursday was also our 14-year-old first cross country meet and I decided to go and provide some support. Friday evening was 14-year-old first pep band performance for the high school’s 1st home football game. We came home exhausted after the game – we had fun.

Today 14 year old decided get some sleep in the morning instead of go to the 8:30 am cross country practice – which I agree. And 10 year old continues her violin lesson via Zoom once more.

Playing Time

Recently 10 year old and I got into a habit of doing some thing together, mainly around board game or something in the evening. On some of the nights I came back home a bit late: mainly because I was picking up my 14 year old. We still try to play something as simple as “spot it” (the game little kids play). Btw, it’s harder to beat the kids on the “Set game” nowadays – for me it’s almost impossible to beat 14 year old. Nowadays I started to appreciate the time spent with my daughters, as I realized my time with them is getting less as they grow up. This is especially true with 14 year old.

I know nowadays we usually want our kids get well soon when they are sick – but sometimes the virus has its own mind, and we just have to be patient 🙂


Fever or Chills, Age 11 and Younger 

Pneumonia in Children: Care Instructions (

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