Storytelling 讲好故事,让别人去说吧

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Storytelling is a very important skill to have, especially in a country like the USA, and at the this say of age. I think it’s important to have this skill over the history too. For example, in this article, we can see storytelling helped human beings survive, and I quote below:

Since our ancestors evolved to live in groups, they likely used storytelling to gather and communicate information about their environments and increasingly complex social relationships.

Stories served as a way to make sense of the world and its benefits and dangers.

Below are some of the scenarios in which we need to do storytelling. I orgionally wrote them in Chinese: and I will put the English translation at the end.



销售人员推销各种各样有用没用的商品和服务,Disney 和其它电影公司,
小布拉子:今天老板想听我的故事做到哪里了(status of JIRA story)

找工作,面试:behavior questions, e.g., tell me a situation in which you overcome/play a leadership role/deal with a difficult coworker etc. 我的经验是我尽量show and tell, and I prep some war stories in advance (I had to do something I am good at instead of do all the leetcode 刷题)


看看AI 或Gen AI 能取代上面的那一项😂。答案:none, null 。不过她可以帮助我们讲故事。
父母:小孩已经听厌了我的那些故事,怎么办才能让他去好好练琴,或好好做题,而不是玩游戏和看TikTok 😂




English translation of the Chinese content above

I can think of some occasions where we must be able to tell stories and tell them well. These may not be complete. Please feel free to add to them.

Election campaign: from student union to US election, what story to tell and how to tell it so that they will vote for me

Sales staff promote all kinds of useful and useless goods and services, Disney and other film companies,
Coaches or headhunters look for star players, especially powerful managers, engineers, and other professionals,
Cities want to convince companies to stay or move here, and listed companies have to tell stories to Wall Street and investors (Buffett can’t avoid it)
Middle-level: What story does the boss want to hear today
Little Bullazi: Today the boss wants to hear where my story is (status of JIRA story)

Job hunting, interview: behavior questions, e.g., tell me a situation in which you overcome/play a leadership role/deal with a difficult coworker etc. My experience is that I try to show and tell, and I prep some war stories in advance (I had to do something I am good at instead of doing all the leetcode brush questions)

Courting/proposing, high-tech giants have to tell a lot of stories

See which of the above items can be replaced by AI or Gen AI 😂. Answer: none, null. But she can help us tell stories.
Parents: My child is tired of hearing my stories. What can I do to get him to practice piano or do homework instead of playing games and watching TikTok 😂
Reporter/Teacher: What story should I tell today and how should I tell it to make the audience and students interested in listening to it, so as to avoid them switching channels and watching other content and platforms

Pastor’s sermon:

Internet celebrity: What story should I tell today and how should I tell it to earn more traffic? With traffic, there will be various ways to make money

History is written by storytellers 

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