This is the last night before leaving mainland CHN for this trip, I am listening to 浙江之声 (浙江之声 via 蜻蜓FM) this time (last year march 2023 it was Love Radio 103.7 FM in Shanghai). I could not fall into sleep 💤. I am going to listening to it more via 蜻蜓FM once I get back to my current home by the Mississippi River.
In last few years as my time spent in the US gradually approaching and exceeding my time lived in China, I almost treat STL as my home. But now I realized childhood home (hometown) has a special place in my heart. Probably for many other people too – especially for those left their hometown after college. For me it’s a bit more – I left the country I grew up.
Somewhat related
心安即是归处 (google search): 心安即是归处,意思是让人不必强求,不必攀比,一切顺其自然,做真实的自己。 我们不必为人生的不完美而感到遗憾。 法学教授罗翔在给学生讲解正义与良善时,曾用圆圈做过一个生动的比喻:客观上理想的圆是存在的,可人类无论借助任何精密的仪器,都无法画出自然界中完美的圆。 我们对完美虽不能至,却心向往之。
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
One usually remember mom’s (or dad’s, or other guardian’s) favorite cooking. I remember my mom’s cooking as well as my uncle (my mom’s brother)’s cooking too.
醋溜带鱼羹 is one dish they made and I enjoyed.
PS: (08-04-2024)
Something came to my mind this morning when I was at a group exercise class at the J. Why mothers are always special. I think most people will say mom reminds them of the hometown. On the opposite, when people start to curse at each other, there is a very common one, son of the bit*h: in Chinese *子养的,why? Because I think by talking down the other person’s mom, deep in mind, the aggressor probably get a sense of the other person is not worthy. I think those are also likely the rationale behind:
子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫 (ximalaya)