Financial crisis and wall streets movies
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Hank: about Hank Paulson, available at Netflix
Too Big To Fail: on Amazon Prime
I am only curious about Wall Street and movies by Michael Lewis
Education, Finance, Investing, software development, St. Louis
Hank: about Hank Paulson, available at Netflix
Too Big To Fail: on Amazon Prime
I am only curious about Wall Street and movies by Michael Lewis
<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">< 1</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minute</span></span> Horrible news from New Orleans – CNN 的文章。 我没有去过新奥尔良。十多年前我去过离她不远的阿拉巴马州的海边orange beach 和gulf shore。这次的事情发生在凌晨3:16,在新奥尔良最有名的闹市/旅游区。 2001年9月11日,纽约世贸中心双塔(最高的两幢楼)被基地组织劫的民航飞机撞上去,爆炸并倒塌。当时我在美国,我已在公司上班将近一年。不久以后,小布什在国会通过议案后,开始了美国的 war on terror 反恐战争: 先是带着一帮北约小兄弟轰炸并入侵阿富汗。因为当时阿富汗的塔利班政府不肯交出基地组织的头本拉登等人。2003年三月,又是在国会同意以后,”war on terror” 又进一步:小布什命令美军入侵伊拉克。世界第一军事强国美军拿下阿富汗和萨达姆的伊拉克军队,没有悬念。本拉登后来也被美军杀死。但是”war on terror” 没有成功,美军最后在死亡几千人以后,撤出伊拉克和阿富汗。昨天,2025元旦,被新的伊斯兰极端组织Isis同化的退役美国士兵(去过伊拉克),开着卡车载着在新奥尔良搞恐怖活动。小布什的伊拉克战争跟一千多年前的十字军东征有何差别? 在我看来不从历史中吸取经验是不少宗教极端主义的共同特点-这当然也包括美国基督教极端主义,和以色列类似的宗教极端主义。 十字军东征 以下来自维基 -(拉丁语:Cruciata;法语:Croisade;伊斯兰世界称为法兰克人入侵;1096年-1291年)是一系列在天主教教宗的准许下的战争,由西欧的封建领地主和骑士对被他们视为侵略者的伊斯兰政权(地中海东岸)发动持续近200年的战争。 以下来自百度 – 十字军东征(拉丁文:Cruciata,1096—1291年)是一系列在罗马天主教教皇乌尔班二世发动的、持续近200年的、有名的宗教性军事行动,由西欧的封建领主和骑士以收复被阿拉伯、突厥等穆斯林入侵占领的土地的名义对地中海东岸国家发动的战争,前后共计九次。十字架是基督教的象征,因此每个参加出征的人胸前和臂上都佩戴“十”字标记,故称“十字军”。 PS: Is George W Bush the worst US president in recent memory?
Read More<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">2</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minutes</span></span> Came across this article Opinion | No, You Don’t Get an A for Effort – The New York Times by Adam Grant. The NYT article is behind the paywall: here is his LinkedIn post. My 1st thought: Actually, once I did receive an “A” mostly due to my effort – please don’t try to extrapolate
Read More<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">3</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minutes</span></span> The car and DIY channels that I subscribe to them and watch them often. Cars and DIY Waldo’s World: he is a young technician/mechanic/engineer who has fixed quite a few larger European luxury cars and other equipments (some are huge). I like his troubleshooting analysis, logics and approaches. Hint: not “parts fodder”. I watched some
Read More<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">2</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minutes</span></span> I’m talking about the unlocked iPhones. Because I don’t think the carrier promotions are “cheap” in the sense they usually make the money back from the monthly fees, and then more. I can think of a few places, some are probably cheaper, but I am not 100% sure about the quality (especially the battery life
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