Database deployment automation

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DB deployment (schema or DDL, package)
Continuous integration and deployment of database is a main issue for many legacy monolithic web app. I came across this article recently, and I think it touched some good points.

On a related matter, Jeff Atwood (cofounder of stack overflow), has a good piece on database version control.

I understand the world is going microservice, and the monolithic relational database is not used as frequently as it’s being used in those legacy web apps. But nonetheless, it helps the dev team to be agile if version control / CI / CD can be applied to database update as well as the application update.

Tracking data changes in DB
This also reminds me of an app I worked in 2010/11, in which we have an DB audit log for many (if not most) database changes: add, update, delete. It’s usually achieved via trigger in Oracle, or interceptor in Java. I read an article from a startup engineering blog (credit karma? Or something like this), they detailed how this is implemented.

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