Docker – second take

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(Update 08-26-2020) Technically 3rd take. I was following along with the Google Cloud Storage ClamAV tutorial, and had an issue of not being able to connect to port 3310 on GCP. (Update 08-29-2020) It was solved. Some tips:


1) There were some typos: such as the directory related to the git project, as well as environment variable for the bucket (in couple places);

2) Need to run the below command before deploy: Assign bucket permissions before “gcloud app deploy” (as in section Create the malware-scanner service: step 5)

3) (move the local variable out of the large bracket {})

4) (the solution is to increase the memory footprint in the app.yaml file)


Last but not least, one does not have to delete the project, the quick way to save the money is just to turn off the app via app engine => settings => disable application.

I also looked around and found another ClamAV tutorial using Java. The second one worked for me locally. I was also able to put an image to the docker hub (using the code from the spring boot docker tutorial). I was able to push the docker image to pcf too. The one thing remaining is I had a 502 gateway issue when I test the end point (local was working fine; postman tip here). Actually later I was be able to make the GCP example (the node js example) work locally too. Now the next step is to make them work in a PCF or a GCP cloud environment (not just local).

(Update 02-04-2019) What Is Container Orchestration? (by Isaac Eldridge at New Relic).

I also followed along the Exploring Docker [1] – Getting Started by Traversy Media. I did make the node.js and MongoDB work on my local MacBook, but I could not make them working on my DigitalOcean droplet due to mismatch of Docker versions of “Docker Compose”, the root cause was the Ubuntu on my Droplet was a a bit old (14.0.4). I need to upgrade it to make the versions compatible.

Some more links for the Traversy Media docker-node-mongo example. Youtube video here. Github repo here.

Two more (TBD, or for references): Dockerize a Node.js app connected to MongoDb

Containerizing a Node.js Application for Development With Docker Compose

(Update 02-13-2018) So I found out today I have AWS bill of

$2.62 (mostly due to EC2 instances) today. This is due to the fact that I did fire up the VM as well as the docker swarm instances (total 9? maybe due to I ran the deploy script multiple times?) Anyway I fired up the instance last night, this evening I looked at the “instances” and looked at the bill, I know what happened. I still did not make the connection from outside to ec2 working though. For the time being, I “terminated” the docker swarm, and stopped AWS VM.

(Update 02-12-2018) I am also following the tutorial at Docker’s official website. I am at step 6 here. And right now, I am stuck in connecting to the AWS vm (was following this Docker guide): step 6 “docker node ls”. I did follow the steps to create docker credentials for AWS.

error during connect: Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

Note this IP address looks like the local default machine: one thing I am not quite sure is how the local connects AWS

(Original 01-31-2018) I installed docker on my mac a while ago and did a simple tutorial. But I never had much chance to play with it until recently. After the training, esp. after I saw use docker container to host Tomcat, and then use Jenkins to startup Tomcat (build and deployment), this whole thing got me interested in docker again. Note I have been learning about docker contain and they seem to be the future deployment model for scalable mobile apps backend: e.g., I know the Robinhood app (the free stock trading app) is container based in the back.

Some resources I used to get started:
1) Youtube docker tutorials (11-18-2018: such as this one Demystify Docker; also noticed this one Docker for GCP. I will see if I can do the training exercise again I mentioned above).
2) Install docker or on Ubuntu (I have a digitalocean droplet / VM, and its OS is Utuntu);
3) Overcome the error message:
FATA[0000] Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.17/version: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock

The answer is this:

The problem is that your user has not been added to the docker group.


sudo usermod -a -G docker
If you don’t want to log in/out from your current shell, run:

newgrp docker

Last but not least, install Jenkins on Ubuntu 14.04.

Other error messages (note I am on a Mac)
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? (when I tried to run some docker command)

It seems the solution is
eval “$(docker-machine env default)”


How To Remove Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes

Docker Usage

Part 1 — Virus Detection Service using ClamAV and Java

Part2 — Dockerized File Virus Detection Service using ClamAV and Spring Boot

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