iPhone vs. Blackberry Bold
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From YouTube, author: the iPhone blog
BTW, I found other blackberry videos at YouTube to be good (authors: phonescoop, crackberry).
Education, Finance, Investing, software development, St. Louis
From YouTube, author: the iPhone blog
BTW, I found other blackberry videos at YouTube to be good (authors: phonescoop, crackberry).
<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">< 1</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minute</span></span> Not a complete list Online I am aware of eBay, Etsy, PoshMark. But I learned couple new ones. Curtsy : our 14 year old (when she was still 13, but almost 14), bought a nike puffer jacket Depop (wikipedia, just realized it’s a subsidiary under Etsy) – our 14 year old tries to sell her
Read More<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">2</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minutes</span></span> Tom Krause – CEO, Cloud Software Group – finance guy – Princeton U alumni – Now you know not all ivies have high moral standards, because Tom is obviously a #muskrat or a fat cat in the corporate world (ABS News). Quote the ABC news article a bit: One former Cloud Software Group employee said
Read More<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">< 1</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minute</span></span> Not financial advice. This is the most important thing you need to know. Your money your decision. Try not to be forever diver 不要做永远♾️的潜水员. 02-21-2025 每个人都可以自己的炒股风格:但是归根结底,不管黑猫白猫,会抓老鼠🐭的猫才是好猫。 要做好风险控制:拿每个人可以接受的钱去炒股票,一般不能all in. 尽量留一部份现金等等。 02-15-2025 1. Be happy; 2. 赚钱是王道:don’t lose money; 3. Refer to rule 1 and 2. 01-16-2025 My top 3 stock positions (excluding the stocks indirectly hold in various S&P 500 index funds): brk/b, KO and OX. Some learning resource: 活到老学到老:这一点也很重要,沃伦巴菲特和查理芒格都是学习机器。 他俩主要的学习手段是读书,读年报,再加上自己独立思考。 Warren Buffett reads a lot of company’s annual reports: mostly to learn. I found listening to companies’ Earning call to be educational sometimes – EARNMOAR – YouTube Fyfull – YouTube 奶头乐级别: “NaNa 说美股” 每天市场评述,mainly entertainment value – ; “小lin说” various topics, mainly entertainment and education value – 个人感觉小林讲的一般不深奥,主要是入门知识,但是她讲的还是有干货的; 美国年轻人Joseph Carlson Show and Joseph Carlson After Hours 他好像有两个频道 – stocks, food for thought – 比如这个油管视频: Please note one goal for many content creators including YouTubers is getting eyeballs 👀 👁️ and making💰. So keep this in my mind when you consume the online content. 我又想了一下。我觉得网上多数视频包括CNBC Jim Cramer 的mad money,包括Nana 的油管每天更新,还有其它很多,教育或有启发的东西不是很多。娱乐的成分倒是不少。可能有点这个短视频的”奶头乐”的味道吧。或者相当于麦当劳🍔的快餐。光吃那个或天天吃那个可能不是最健康:因为营养成分不够丰富。还是要自己做饭,或吃一些更健康的食品(少吃垃圾食品,少喝可乐等等)[捂脸][呲牙] Together let’s share some 💡 and make some 💰. We try to keep the America (US) politics at a minimum here. I believe everyone is entitled to her or his opinion including political views and affiliation. But those are best kept to yourself. Probably religion too. I recall 20+ years ago one golden rule is not to talk politics and religion at work. Also, we will try to keep out many fake stuffs on Internet or from social medias. PS: Hard core MAGAs may find it hard to stay there sometimes because I
Read More<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">< 1</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minute</span></span> What doesn’t kill us can only made us stronger — German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche — his original words are: “Out of life’s school of war—what doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.” Five years ago today, 01-23-2019, Wednesday, I was laid off from the company I worked for about 3 and half years. I saved the
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