Hangzhou Bay bridge to open

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It’s official, the Hangzhou Bay bridge, which connects Ningbo (my hometown) and Shanghai (to be more precise, connects Ci Xi to Jiang Xing 南起浙江宁波慈溪市,北至浙江嘉兴海盐县), will open on this May, according to Ningbo goverment offical. Chinese news from Xinhuanet here.

Hangzhou bay bridge Ningbo Shanghai
(source: sohu)

At this time this is the longest sea crossing bridge in the world (36 km, or 22.5 miles). A new Hangzhou Bay railway bridge is also under planning (Chinese).

Dream come true
For many people from the Ningbo and Shanghai, two cities have close relations both historically and at current time, this is a dream come true. It will cut the car travel time (from Shanghai to Ningbo) from 4 hours to 2 hours, with a fee of 80 Yuan. This is a good saving if we consider the extra gas, and higher toll fees for the alternative route.

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