Turning point or new beginning: valuation
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Zhu Ping (朱平) is the chief investment officer (投资总监) of Guang Fa fund(广发基金), I have a lot of respect for him not because he went to the same graduate school I went (Shanghai Univ. of Finance and Economics); but rather he is an independent thinker, has a good track record managing the funds, has a good sense of value investing. For me the most important of all, I can learn things from him 🙂
The China stock market expericed a major correction lately, after huge run in last two years. There are many dis-heartening stuffs, such as the selling from major institutions, and the proposed huge secondary offerings from Ping’an insurance, and Pu Fa (Pudong dev bank). Recently Zhu Ping wrote about his view on the China market, economy and investing, the title is “拐点还是新起点“(turning point or new beginning). I read it and decided to translate portions into English (in series). He talked about the things in general in bullet one. I will start from bullet 2, “valuation”.
” 两年牛市,给中国留下了估值几乎全球最贵的股市,年初存在欧美派和日台派的分歧。前者认为至少高估30%,已以透支了一到两年的回报。目前市场基本接受欧美派。
” PE15倍为悲观﹑ 20倍中性,25倍到30倍是乐观,相应的PB2倍到5倍更合理。50倍以上是高风险区
” 高估值的风险:下跌空间大,资源配置可能不合理,减持
” 高估值的回归不可避免,只是时间不确定。
2. Valuation
* The bull market in last 2 years bring the most expensive market in the world to China. In the beginning of 2008 there are two main views: the Euro-America and the Japan-Taiwan. The former view thinks the market is over-priced 30%, and it has been ahead of the real economy by a year or two. The market agrees with that view now.
* PE: pessemistic under 15, neutral 20, opptimistic 25 to 30, above 50 means high risk. PB 2 to 5 is reasonable.
* The risk of high valuation: the tendency to go down, the waste of capital distribution, (the pressure) for institutions to sell.
* It’s not a question whether the valuation will return to normal, it’s a question of when it does.
More about the Euro-America and Japan-Taiwan views. The Euro-American view thinks the stocks are over-priced by 30% (as mentioned above). The Japan-Taiwan view thinks the bubble has not been popped yet. The Shanghai Composites index should exceed 10,000 before we talk about the bubble bust. Zhu Ping thinks China market won’t expericed a bubble-bust like the Japan and Taiwan did in late 80s early 90s. The recent pull back is a healthy one for the long term.
He talked about the secondary offering from Ping’an and Pu Fa over here, and selling from major institutions. The high-valuation days in last 2 years are over now due to those two factors…