The Chinese version, the year of Pig (roar, whatever you want to call it). I am using Keso’s new year card because I can not create a card as good as his 🙂
<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">< 1</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minute</span></span> 对过去的留恋可能是人之常情,尤其是对上了年纪的人(大概过了50岁的人可以说是上了年纪?),还有一些曾经辉煌,现在落魄的人。 有一个例子是鲁迅笔下的祥林嫂。实际生活中其实这种情况不少。我感觉我自己有时候也会说/想:想当年,我年轻的时候,blah blah blah. 最近 formerly executive assistant at square, sorry I could not find her profile on LinkedIn now, as I unfollowed her recently. Value Trap This just reminded me of one thing or one phenomenon in the stock market or stock trading: value trap. Sometimes I got into it. The past price of
<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">2</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minutes</span></span> I feel RFK Jr. benefited from free publicity by saying or writing crazy things over the years (NY Times confirmation hearing for HHS secretary). President Obama beat his democratic rival Hillary Clinton because his campaign website is better search engine optimized (SEO) for Google. From 2012, Facebook and social media increasingly became more important than
<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">< 1</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minute</span></span> I bought the system a while ago from Woot: it’s a refurbished product. Today I decided to set it up. It’s done mostly via the Linksys app (iOS, android). I only have iOS so I can only comment on iOS: I think it’s good. It prompt me for the 1st node I just plugged in,
<span class="rt-reading-time" style="display: block;"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix">Reading Time: </span> <span class="rt-time">2</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">minutes</span></span> By Chinese I meant Mandarin Chinese. First, please note in this list I am not going to comment on those 键政 (literally translation: keyboard politicking, or discuss politics via keyboard, link here is from Wikipedia). Not a complete list. Will be updated from time to time. There are a few special topics such as finance